Saturday, September 13, 2008

Enjoying Family!

This morning I was able to attend Landon's soccer game. They tied 3 to 3 and it was an exciting game. I loved being able to holler "Go Landon".
I helped watch Sarah's little ones last night (Katherine did a great job!) and we watched SpiderMan. It doesn't matter what we do it just means so much to me to spend time with them. Families are great and I am thankful to be a part of the lives of mine.

Out and about with the family

Youth conference was great for us because we congregated at Gomm Ranch in Star Valley. The youth had a blast and we got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. It was an enjoyable trip and like a vacation for us. It was Katherine's last year to attend YC so being in the beautiful mountains with family made it even more memorable. The times we spend together become precious when we appreciate the everyday moments.