Monday, April 16, 2012


 New leather furniture for the living room.
 Yeah I know they are chickens, but it fits.

 The painting dresses up the fireplace that David built.
 Dining area
 If this was clear you could see the stained glass angels.

 Downstairs TV room

 Reading nook

It was fun to give the house a facelift.

Perfect day

Two of my girls are spending time with my Mom and sister this weekend. I am so happy to know they are together. Being with my children as adults is great. I am amazed at their unique perspectives on life. Today is a perfect day.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

a day in the life

I like to make lists and then check things off as I go. I think that's because I would feel like I hadn't accomplished a blessed thing if it wasn't written down. To look at my plan for the week you might think I was terribly important with nary a moment to myself. Psyche. If I really did everything on my list every single day, I couldn't help but be successful. So, I might just be on the right track.